How To Find & Fix 404 Error for Better SEO

A 404 error indicates that the requested webpage is not available on the server. This can happen due to several reasons, such as a mistyped URL, deleted page, or broken link. 

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Impact on User Experience 

404 errors can significantly impact user experience by leaving visitors feeling lost and frustrated. When users encounter a dead end, they're likely to abandon your site altogether, leading to lost opportunities for engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty. 

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Impact on SEO 

Search engines like Google may penalize websites with a high number of broken links, resulting in lower rankings and decreased visibility in search results. 

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How to Find 404 Errors?

There are several ways to find 404 errors on your website: Webmaster tools: Most search engines, like Google Search Console, offer tools to identify broken links. Website crawlers: Free and paid tools can crawl your site and report 404 errors. Manual testing: Try accessing old pages or follow links from your own site to see if they work.

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Fixing 404 Errors: 3 Main Strategies 

1. Redirect: If the page has moved, redirect users to the new location using a 301 redirect. (This tells search engines the page has permanently moved). 2. Restore: If the page is still valuable, consider restoring it. 3. Remove: For irrelevant pages, remove them from your sitemap and let the 404 stand.

Creating a Custom 404 Page 

Apologize: Acknowledge the user's error and offer help. Search bar: Allow users to search your site for what they need. Navigation links: Guide them to relevant sections of your site. Maintain branding: Keep the design consistent with your website.

By identifying and fixing 404 errors, you can create a smooth user experience, improve SEO, and keep your website thriving! 

To prevent future 404 errors and maintain a positive user experience and SEO performance, visit the link for detailed guide